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Requirements for Eligibility

All Arts & Crafts show Vendors/Exhibitors in the Womens Sertoma Club of Venice - Sun Fiesta must meet the following terms and requirements for eligibility.

Please review these terms carefully.

Womens Sertoma Club of Venice reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time, without advanced notice. Further, we reserve the right to deny any Vendors/Exhibitors participation for any reason what-so-ever. We reserve the right to make changes to pricing and/or the booth size, but not smaller than 10 feet by 10 feet. Your signature on the online application form constitutes acceptance of all liability waivers, terms, conditions, policies and procedures.  


General Information

  • The Committee reserves the right to exclude non-compliant Vendors/Exhibitors from current and future shows. 

  • The Festival is a three-day event and Vendors/Exhibitors are expected to maintain their booth for all event days with sufficient product. 

    • If you will be unable to attend all three days, we ask you not to sign up. If you sign up for a booth and do not have personnel in your booth at any time, you may be excluded from future shows.

    • The required hours of operation for Arts & Craft Vendors/Exhibitors are:

      • Friday 5pm-8pm

      • Saturday 9am-8pm

      • Sunday 9am-5pm

    • We reserve the right to remove any item from sale that is deemed inappropriate, stop a Vendors/Exhibitors from selling an item that was not disclosed on their application. You may not sell anything prohibited by law!

    • Any knife or cutlery is to be boxed and bagged at time of sale. Florida and local laws must be followed regarding the sales of such items; it’s your responsibility to know the law.

    • No Raffle items, flea market, used or garage sale items are allowed. 

  • Any Vendors/Exhibitors getting 501c3 pricing may not sell t-shirts or any other item that our Club is selling and may not have a corner booth.

  •  No “ready to eat” food or drink is to be sold or given away from any booth. 

    • This includes any beverage and bottled water.

    • You may give away small samples of product you are selling only; or small pieces of candy. 

    • You may have homemade canned type food that is aren’t ready to carry around and eat. 

  • You are required to charge and pay Florida Sales tax, as required by law. All monies and/or taxes are the sole responsibility of the Vendors/Exhibitors.

  • Parking by Permit Only


Before the Festival


Registration is online at 

Complete the online registration form

  • ​Deadline for registration is September 1st 2019

  • Returned checks will be grounds for removal from this and future Festivals

  • There are no refunds for cancellations less than 60 days prior to the Festival. 

  • You may send your payment prior to July 1 2019 – please date your check July 1 2019

Conformation – Invoicing

You will immediately receive a copy of your registration form via email. We will process your registration and send you an invoice via email. Full Payment is Due July 1 2019 and delinquent on July 15 2019. If your payment is not received by July 15, 2019 your chosen booth site MAY BE CHANGED AND/OR YOUR REGISTRATION CANCELLED. All booths are on a first reserved, first pay basis. Booth assignments will not be changed after July 1 or when space is sold out; whichever comes first. If you do not get the email, check your junk email folder or contact us at



  • September 1st is our Registration Deadline to be included in Printed Material, including the Directory, mailings, website and more

  • July 15th is our Payment Deadline - If your payment is not received by 07/15 we can offer the site to the next vendor on our waiting list. If you need to make payment arrangements, do so prior to June 1 to

  • You may send your payment prior to July 1 2019 – please date your check July 1 2019; we will not be cashing your check until July 1 2019


Payment Types

We accept checks, money orders and cash only. We do not accept credit cards.


Payments must be mailed to

Make your check payable to: Womens Sertoma Club of Venice

Mail it to: P.O. Box 1046 Venice FL 34284

Booth Choices

Our booths are laid out in rows with each booth site getting a booth number. Refer to the Booth map to select the booth you would like to reserve. Some booths are located on the grass and some are located on concrete/asphalt (view the map carefully). If you require a specific grass or concrete area, you must advise us at the time of your registration. Row J is on grass




Booth space is approximately 12 feet x 12 feet and located outdoors.  Tent or canopy size is restricted to 10 feet x 10 feet or smaller for each site. If you cannot confine your selling space to one booth site (10’x10’), you must purchase additional space.  No display, merchandise, Vendors/Exhibitors or volunteer can infringe on neighboring booths; or extend past your booth space infringing on pedestrian walk space.



Arrive between 8:00am and 2:00pm. We will not accept check-in until after 8:00am and you cannot enter Centennial Park until 8:00am (on foot or by vehicle). No vehicle will be permitted access to Centennial Park after 1:00pm sharp. All Vehicles must be out of Centennial Park by 2:00pm


Check-In: Check-In is required prior to going to your booth site via text message – text 941-46-4328


Traffic Flow: All vehicles will enter Centennial Park from the Venice Avenue Entrance and Exit on to Tampa Avenue.


Mobile Check-in: To make the check-in as convenient as possible we allow check-in via text messaging. If you check in via text messaging, you can enter through either entrance.



Traditional Check-In: If you do not check-in via text messaging, you must stop at the checkpoint.

Here is how it will work…Text message check-in process is very simple.

  1. After 7:00am text “here Booth#” to 941-468-4328. Or within 30 minutes of your arrival. Please - No texting before 7am.

  2. Enter Centennial Park via Tampa Avenue; our Traffic Control Volunteer will confirm that the path is clear for you to proceed to your booth site; or advise you to wait accordingly. Hang your temporary parking pass on your review mirror with your booth number facing out BEFORE UNLOADING YOUR VEHICLE; and always have it displayed while you are in Centennial Park.

  3. We have each booth site numbered. Zone Volunteers will confirm you’re at the correct site and give you your Welcome Packet.






Unloading: Due to the number of vehicles in the area for set-up we ask that you come in, unload and move your vehicles to the parking lot as quickly as possible – then return to setup your booth.  


A volunteer will meet you by your booth site, confirm you’re at the correct site; we ask you to unload all your booths content, remove your vehicle from the park, then return to set up your booth. This will alleviate congestion for other Vendors/Exhibitors s, volunteers and police.


Parking: You need to park in any public parking areas around Centennial Park. There is no parking in Centennial Park. Your parking pass will allow you to park in a designated temporary unloading area; as long as you have your parking pass


Parking Pass

The parking pass is used at all times, when you’re in Centennial Park and when you’re parked in the City of Venice’s designated parking lots. Your booth number should always be displayed through your front windshield by hanging on your rear-view mirror.  

  1. During Check-in, it’s used while you’re unloading

  2. During the Festival, it’s used to allow you to park in the designated parking lot.

  3. On Saturday and Sunday mornings it allows you access to your booth site for 15 minutes to unload restocking materials from 7am-8:30am

  4. At the end of the Festival it’s used to allow you back to your booth site to load and go.

The Zone volunteer will give you your Booth Address Tag with white cable tie. They will confirm you're at the correct booth site.

Please put your booth address with white tie wire on your tent; located in the top left corner. This will help our guests find your booth.


Booth 3

Seashell Art of Venice









During the Festival

Although attempts will be made to provide security for Friday and Saturday night, please be advised that Vendors/Exhibitors assume all risk for accidents and losses to themselves and exhibits. The Womens Sertoma Club of Venice - Sun Fiesta and/or the Committee and all volunteers will not be responsible for theft and damage to merchandise or personal property. It will be your choice to either take down entirely or leave your booth standing overnight. We encourage all Vendors/Exhibitors to carry liability insurance. 


Electricity: Electricity will not be available this year. You need to provide your own generator


Offensive Generators will not be allowed in the Arts & Crafts area of Centennial Park at any time; if a neighboring booth, guest or Club member complains – it will be considered offensive and must be turned off for the remainder of the festival.


Garbage: Please make sure you collect all your garbage and either take it with you or find a garbage can to place it in.  There will be separate recycling bins for 1) bottles, cans and plastics 2) cardboard and 3) trash. Please do not leave any garbage at your site, please leave it broom clean. Thank you for your help with this!


After the Festival


The Tear‐Down process will begin at 5:00pm on Sunday; we ask that you have 100% of your booth ready to be loaded into your vehicle prior to bringing your vehicle in to the Booth Area.

It is expected that the area in and around the space your booth occupies during the Festival will be returned to its previously existing or better condition. Please pick up all garbage and leave your space BROOM CLEAN, dumpsters are on the access road near the general vendor parking lot.

We ask that you have your booth totally broken down and packed up; you must have 100% of your booth and contents ready to be loaded into your vehicle before bringing your vehicle in to Centennial Park to load and go.

You must have your Parking Pass hanging from the rear-view mirror for the Police and entrance volunteer to confirm that you have been cleared to re-enter from our check list. Be sure that your booth number is facing out your front windshield.

If your teardown process consists of simply loading your goods directly into your vehicle, we will permit the neighboring vendors/exhibitors booths to finish and leave prior to allowing your vehicle access to your booth for breakdown. We ask that you to wait until your neighboring booths are finished and left the park before you bring your vehicle into the park to load; there must be enough space to park your vehicle out of the line of the traffic flow.

You will be allowed to bring your vehicles in once we have verified that you are packed and ready to load up in the briefest possible time frame. Due to the number of vehicles in the area for tear down we ask that you come in, load and exit as quickly as possible.

Big Toys is permitted to enter and exit from either direction.
Please give the right-of-way to the boats.

In Closing

We want to be sure that your arrival, the Arts & Crafts Show and departure is as smooth and convenient for you as we can possibly make it. If you have any questions or concerns after you have reviewed this information, please let us know. Remember that you have a complete copy of our policies and procedures (this document) in the email we sent you with your invoice. You can always find this information on our website.



We will send you a survey after the Festival so that you can tell us what you liked, what you didn’t like and any additional comments you may have. We will accept early registration as we did last year. The details will be in the email we send to you with the survey. Registration for next year will be available on our website during the festival.



We are offering early registration again for next year’s Sun Fiesta arts & Crafts Show – always held on the Third Full Weekend in October, with the 4th weekend being reserved if we get rained out. Go to it is available right now.


If you need to reach us during the event and can’t see us walking around, text Sheryl at 941-468-4328.

Finally, we want to thank you for joining us and hope you have a fabulous show.


Thanks for being part of Sun Fiesta
Arts & Crafts Committee

For further information, contact Womens Sertoma Club of Venice at

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